Hydro-Québec and Énergir: An alliance for dual energy

The Hassan II Mosque Fondation, Casablanca, Marocco

Last November, we learned that Hydro-Québec and Énergir will offer, starting July 2021, common rates to the Régie de l'Énergie for customers who will turn to dual-energy heating.

Indeed, since the announcement of the Plan for a Greener Economy in Quebec, teams from the two distributors have been working together. Their objective: coordinate the two networks to halve the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked to the heating of residential, commercials and institutional buildings by 2030, compared to 1990.

To do so, buildings that currently have natural gas heaters will need to switch to dual-energy systems using electricity as their primary source and natural gas during periods of high demand. The combined consumption will help reduce the pressure on the electricity grid and allow the electrification of other sectors without increasing Hydro-Quebec’s production.

The arrival of Sophie Brochu at Hydro Quebec is certainly related to the rapprochement between the two companies. Having previously spent 12 years at the head of Energir, Ms. Brochu was clearly well positioned to identify the complementarity between the two networks.

Hopefully, this synergy between the two major distributors will inspire several other partnerships that can help achieve our goals in terms of reducing GHGs.

Source : Le Devoir      

 Image :   Tirée de l’article : L’énergie au Québec – Quel rôle pour le gaz naturel dans un contexte d’électrification? IEDM

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